
Welcome, all coffee lovers!


Haven’t fully clenched your taste buds with coffee? Do you need that little bit of extra caffeine to get you going through the morning or night? Want to be able to go to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts or any of your favorite coffee shops? You are in the right place with our coffeemaker language here!

Ready to recreate Espresso, Macchiato, Americano, Latte, Cappuccino, and the others that come to your mind? After a few minutes in our coffeemaker, you will be able to create and taste your very own coffee! Are you ready to replicate or even surpass the “great” Starbucks?

Code Examples

Print Statments

brew(“A cup of coffee”)

While Loops

regular i = 4
while(i < 10){
  brew("I love to sleep!")
  i = i + 1

If Statements

sugar (age < 18) {
    brew("Enjoy your early years!")
} cream sugar(age > 60) {
    brew("Retirement age is finally here!")
} cream {
    brew("Errr, good luck in adulthood :p")


cup regular add -> (x, y) {
    complete x + y


keurig Car {
    create(self, put name, regular year) { = name
        this.year = year
    cup regular add -> (self, regular x, regular y) {
         complete x + y


The Developers

Jose Fuentes

Jose is a computer science student at Loyola Marymount University who will be working as a software engineering intern at Target this summer. He is an active member of Colorstack and is proud to have received the HSF Scholarship and a MLT Fellowship.

Yifan (Rosetta) Hu

Rosetta is currently pursuing a computer science major and SDS minor at Loyola Marymount University. She is deeply passionate about interdisciplinary research and enjoys exploring the intersection of technology and other fields. As a food enthusiast, she loves to try out new cuisines.